அவசர எச்சரிக்கைகள்



World Tsunami Day 2021

We are pleased to invite you to join the World Tsunami Awareness Day 2021 Commemoration (national event)  which will feature the best practices of international cooperation in building resilience to tsunami, as explained by a renowned panel of local and overseas professionals and academics, who would be sharing their expertise and views during their presentations and the panel discussions.  

Together against the wave!

Share the event details along with the below mentioned registration link with your colleagues and other relevant contacts/ networks.




அவசர தொடர்புகள்

பொது.: +94 112 136 136
அவசர நடவடிக்கை நிலையம்:+94 112 136 222 /
+94 112 670 002
தொலைநகல்: +94 112 878 052