හදිසි අනතුරු ඇඟවීම්


 District are getting prepared for adverse weather impacts during South-West Monsoon 2020

monsoon mathara 2020Monsoon preparedness is another crucial factor during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Safety of the people including evacuation and hygiene, medical screening to prevent the spreading of the COVID are most essential.

With the directions given by the Disaster Management Centre, all districts are taking adequate preparedness measure to prepare for upcoming monsoon impacts. Today (05), Matara District Secretariat has organized a monsoon preparedness forum to discuss consequences and adequate preparedness measure.

Many stakeholder agencies participated, including Health authorities, Security Forces, Police, Public Administration, Local Authorities at the forum to take necessary decisions for aforesaid priorities. This was conducted under the leadership of the District Secretary Mr. Pradeep Rathnayake with the coordination of District Disaster Management Coordinating Unit. A comprehensive presentation of potential monsoon impact was presented by Lt. Col. Prabath Kalubovila, Assistant Director of the Matara Distric. The Director General of the Disaster Management Centre, Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe took a part at the forum to provide strategic direction for the operational planning, together with Director Emergency Operations and Director Preparedness.


හදිසි ඇමතුම්

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