அவசர எச்சரிக்கைகள்



සනම ආපද පරහර  2018 web new

National Tsunami Simulation Exercise scheduled on 05th of September 2018.

This Regional and National Tsunami Simulation Exercise is scheduled on 5th of September 2018 with the participation of seven Indian Ocean Rim Countries. In Sri Lanka, the activation and coordination of this simulation exercise from National to local level is entrusted to Disaster Management Center (DMC).

Overarching Objective

The overarching objective of this regional and national scale exercise is to measure the physical as well as the human resource capacity and response times of the various stakeholders involved to address such a rare but potentially destructive tsunami event.

Specific Objective

1. To validate and evaluate the procedures for countries to receive the Tsunami Messages issued by the Regional Tsunami Service Providers (TSPs) through their National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC);

2. To test the dissemination of the Tsunami warning messages to the relevant agencies that are responsible for emergency response;
3. To identify best practices and critical areas to be addressed in future activities, and room for improvements in the entire process including the procedures already tested between TSPs and NTWCs and also the diverse landscape of national capacities to handle the tsunami risk;
4. To evaluate the effectiveness of communication flows between the stakeholders involved, country readiness and the efficiency of emergency operation and response procedures in place;
5. To identify the required support to enhance the ability of each level to respond to and mitigate the negative impacts of tsunamis;
6. To understand the gaps in National Emergency Operation Plan (NEOP) developed for Sri Lanka.
7. To practice and find the gaps in Synergized SOP of (NTWC) and (DMC)

Purpose of participating in Regional Tsunami Simulation Exercise

Purpose of participating in regional tsunami simulation exercise is to understand the gaps in prevailing mechanism at national to local level and to facilitate the speedy dissemination of alerts across the vulnerable coastal districts of Sri Lanka.

EW Tower Locations

Concept Paper


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